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MFC is bloated, and I need help

Posted by mrnorman [send private reply] at July 01, 2002, 02:19:48 AM

I'm about to start learning the MFC libraries for Window App developement. I'm already very familiar and experienced with JFC and thought MFC would be similar, but MFC is frieking bloated beyond belief compared to JFC. I'm used to creating java programs and GUI's using JFC from scratch, and thought I could do the same in C++ (MFC). After looking at the initial source code generated by Visual C++ and overviewing some Object hierarchies, however, I need a biiiig reference book. I'm not sure if it's just Visual C++ making things more complicated than they have to be or what, but (call me old fashioned) I like to write my code from scratch because that's the only way to truly understand a language. Does anyone know of any books that simply teach the MFC libraries in the context of their own language (C++) rather than in the context of that stupid Visual C++ program? If so, PLEASE tell me because I haven't seen one. Thanks!

Posted by metamorphic [send private reply] at July 01, 2002, 05:21:35 AM

MFC saves you writing a child control (anything from a textbox to an image container) by writing it for you. making it like VB's drap and drop interface. ad yes it makes horbile code. you are better leaving MFC and just creating your own controls using your code. it will be much cleaner and you will learn a hell of a lot more.

Posted by mrnorman [send private reply] at July 01, 2002, 11:42:18 AM

Where can I learn how to do that? Have any good sights or books to suggest? I'm not very familiar with 'child controls', but I'd like to learn how to construct a GUI in C++ from scratch.

Posted by metamorphic [send private reply] at July 01, 2002, 02:28:34 PM

If you have ever used VB, the controls in the side toolbar that you can just drag onto the environment are child controls. This is because they are children of the (parent) window. What you are looking for is WIN32 API Tutorials. Do a google search for 'windows C++ programming' or something similar.

Edit: There are some good WIN32 tutorials on gametutorials.com

Posted by mrnorman [send private reply] at July 01, 2002, 03:03:41 PM

thanks man. Than helps a lot.

Posted by mrnorman [send private reply] at July 01, 2002, 03:57:39 PM

Well, I looked at every site I could find on win32 programming, and in every case, they use Visual Basic. Is there any way to program for the win32 in C++ without MFC?

Posted by CodeRed [send private reply] at July 01, 2002, 05:54:16 PM

Yes, I do it all the time, don't bother with MFC

Posted by Psion [send private reply] at July 01, 2002, 08:33:59 PM

If you want to be clever, you can read the quick start guide on this subject that's been linked from the front page for at least a year. ;-)

Posted by mrnorman [send private reply] at July 02, 2002, 01:53:32 AM

roflol, man, it was right there in front of me the whole time. Weeewww, there's a price to pay for book sense. Unfortunately for me, it's common sense, lol.

Posted by metamorphic [send private reply] at July 02, 2002, 06:41:52 AM

The site i pointed out uses C++ for the windows tutorials and they have loads of them.

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