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Posted by Dev [send private reply] at August 10, 2001, 07:45:33 AM

Do any of you guys (sorry ladies) know how to implement AI into a Machine/Robot???

Posted by infryq [send private reply] at August 10, 2001, 12:40:15 PM

well... depends on how advanced an AI you want to have, and how you define AI... it's fairly easy to program in what the robot is to do given certain situations(...switch-case style :) ), but if you're looking to do something more maleable-on-the-fly, you're going to at least need a book or something. libraries are nice that way.

Posted by Psion [send private reply] at August 10, 2001, 12:51:29 PM

Get yourself some Lego Mindstorms if you want to try this with plenty of lowest-common-denominator aimed documentation. :-) Once you go beyond the silly programming interface they have, you can get a C compiler for it off the net.

Posted by RedX [send private reply] at August 10, 2001, 01:58:02 PM

Get some info on artificial neural networks.


Posted by CHollman82 [send private reply] at October 01, 2001, 10:12:14 PM

Posted by Kp2Sushi [send private reply] at August 16, 2001, 07:57:48 PM

I've actually worked for some time with AI. A switch-case statement is not AI is any sense of the word. The system I implemented (implementing, really) uses an xess fpga board (and 8051 micocontroller) to interpret radio data and feed the output to a FORTH based chip. The m68HC FORTH chip is installed in a simple little robot with proximity sensors. Just a fun project to bust my chops on.

Here's my humble advice, play with SNNS (google!), learn different robot designs (Angelus Research provided mine for free in exchange for some coding). Neural Networks are really the way to go if you want insight. Behavioral algos are... lame ;)

Posted by nt543 [send private reply] at August 22, 2001, 04:15:32 PM

I would suggest simulating the machine/robot in software so it's easier to experiment with algorithms without all of the hardware interface code. A finite state machine is a simple AI concept that may fit the purpose. In a finite state machine, a "state" is remembered so that the entity knows what it's doing. Some commonly used states are "idle", "move", "perform special action", etc.

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