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can (switch) be a part of a loop???

Posted by matheo917 [send private reply] at September 20, 2001, 07:03:38 PM

i'm using a switch statment inside of a loop
for some reason first switch case executes but when the loop starts over seams like the other cases aren't even touched
here's an example:

const int MaxMonths = 12;

for(int k = 0; k < MaxMonths; ++k) // Iterates 12 times

switch (k)
case 0: {cout << "Janurary "; break;}
case 1: {cout << "Febrary "; break;}
case 2: {cout << "March "; break;}
case 3: {cout << "April "; break;}
case 4: {cout << "May "; break;}
case 5: {cout << "June "; break;}
case 6: {cout << "July "; break;}
case 7: {cout << "August "; break;}
case 8: {cout << "September "; break;}
case 9: {cout << "Octoter "; break;}
case 10: {cout << "November "; break;}
case 11: {cout << "December "; break;}


first line prints January and then no other (months) are printed..

what you guys think???

Posted by CHollman82 [send private reply] at September 20, 2001, 07:18:55 PM

#include <iostream.h>
#include <conio.h>

void main()
const int MaxMonths = 12;

for(int k = 0; k < MaxMonths; ++k) // Iterates 12 times
switch (k)
case 0: {cout << "Janurary "; break;}
case 1: {cout << "Febrary "; break;}
case 2: {cout << "March "; break;}
case 3: {cout << "April "; break;}
case 4: {cout << "May "; break;}
case 5: {cout << "June "; break;}
case 6: {cout << "July "; break;}
case 7: {cout << "August "; break;}
case 8: {cout << "September "; break;}
case 9: {cout << "Octoter "; break;}
case 10: {cout << "November "; break;}
case 11: {cout << "December "; break;}

I compiled and executed this exact code in borland and it worked perfectly.

Posted by matheo917 [send private reply] at September 20, 2001, 07:25:22 PM

i found the mistake already, the problem was somewhere else

apreciate the effort...


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