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Visual Basic 5.0

Posted by BEDGE [send private reply] at October 06, 2001, 05:03:26 AM

Is there much difference between Visual Basic 5.0 to Visual Basic 6.0. Will VB 5 work efficently on Windows 98 and later Operating systems

Posted by buzgub [send private reply] at October 06, 2001, 06:52:43 AM

First question: No. check out microsofts "what's new in VB6" page at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbcon98/html/vb... for their perspective.

Second question: Compared to a program written and compiled to native machine code, anything visual basic is *not* efficient. for visual Basic, however, VB6 is probably your most efficient option.

Posted by taubz [send private reply] at October 06, 2001, 04:10:31 PM

If you have VB5 and can't easily get VB6, VB5 isn't going to have problems on Win98 and later.

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