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Kwik Kwestion

Posted by Murdoc [send private reply] at October 20, 2001, 11:55:33 AM

Yes yes I know visual basic is the necter of the satinist blah blah blah but I just want to know how to make a form appear allways on top? (using VB)

Champaige for my true friends and true pain for my sham friends

Posted by gian [send private reply] at October 20, 2001, 02:57:51 PM

Kwell Kwerdoc, kwuo've cwome two (heh!) twhe rwight pwlace!

Posted by Murdoc [send private reply] at October 20, 2001, 03:29:48 PM

*claps for self* but really... how?

A watched clock never boils

Posted by taubz [send private reply] at October 20, 2001, 05:35:22 PM

You need to use the SetWindowPos Windows API call. See msdn.microsoft.com/library and find a tutorial on calling the Windows API.


- taubz

Posted by grandsnafu [send private reply] at October 20, 2001, 08:09:56 PM

or set the windows properties to "modal"

Posted by kmaz [send private reply] at October 21, 2001, 11:24:11 AM

Check out this website, http://www.codearchive.com/vbasic/ its good. By the way, learn C++ instead of VB [deleted --taubz].

Posted by taubz [send private reply] at October 21, 2001, 05:30:15 PM

grandsnafu, that is not at all related.

And, there is absolutely nothing wrong with programming in VB.

- taubz

 tellnewbietouse -e -l VB -u Murdoc 
Posted by grandsnafu [send private reply] at October 21, 2001, 04:01:32 PM

taubz : well, it works, but i guess it's not really what he wanted (he was probably interested in being able to click other windows while his form was open :)

Posted by gian [send private reply] at October 21, 2001, 05:29:14 PM

% tellthenewbietouse --help
Usage: Tell the newbie that their choice of language is not good, and tell them to use the language set by the -l flag.
tellthenewbietouse [-voxef] -l <language> -u <user>

-l Specify a language.
-v Be more verbose about why they should use the language.
-o Offensive mode, agressively abuses the newbie into using it.
-x Execution mode, even more aggresive than offensive mode.
-e Encourage mode, tell the newbie that their language is okay!
-f Friendly mode, tell the newbie in a kind way to use <language>

% tellnewbietouse -fe -l C++ -u Murdoc

(For those who aren't familiar with unix style on-the-fly help)
It would greatly enrich your programming experience to learn C++, but VB is a way of learning, and continue to use it until you feel ready to move on.

Posted by taubz [send private reply] at October 22, 2001, 04:20:02 PM

grandsnafu> he was probably interested in being able to click other windows while his form was open

Indeed. That's why I gave my reply. Modal windows *do not* allow you to click other windows. SWP does.

- taubz

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