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Connecting Menus, Buttons, etc... Using a BASIC language

Posted by Sinaskape [send private reply] at January 27, 2002, 01:38:42 AM


I am using EnvelopBASIC Engine which is a clone of VISUAL BASIC. I was wondering, how do I link menus with other stuff, and also, I want to make a Word Processor, so how would I make a new text document, etceteras? I am sorry if I am confusing, but this stuff just spills out of my brain... :-) sorry.


Posted by buzgub [send private reply] at January 27, 2002, 01:53:41 AM

first off, as it's a clone of VB you might like to see how you go with some basic VB tutorials; google should help you find some. It's pretty unlikely that anyone here is familiar with EnvelopBasic, so don't expect people here to be able to help (unless someone says otherwise). The yahoo club on the topic, at http://clubs.yahoo.com/clubs/envelopbasic might be of service.

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