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C++ help

Posted by jay_dee [send private reply] at June 01, 2002, 04:55:11 PM

alright...just so you know...i'm in RH Linux 5.0 and i am programing in c++.

after makeing some changes in my code, when i compile my program i get a error saying...

165: Parse error at end of input

being new to c++ i haven't got the error before and have no idea what is means. Its kind of funny because my code only is 148 lines long and it says the error in on line 165...soo if someone can tell me what generally causes that error so i know what to look for, that would be awesome...thanks,


Posted by unknown_lamer [send private reply] at June 01, 2002, 05:36:39 PM

You probably left a } or a ) off somewhere because parse error at end of input is usually triggered when you forget to close a scope. Your code probably is 165 lines long (probably a bunch of blank lines at the end).

Posted by jay_dee [send private reply] at June 02, 2002, 02:59:14 PM

yeah thats what it was...i found it and fixed it..thanks,

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