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XGDC - Get your tickets now!

Posted by Kshain [send private reply] at June 29, 2002, 02:12:48 PM

Before you read this, I just wanted to tell everyone that I I understand that most of you being students, might not have the entrance fee of 125.00$ readily available. However, I believe that you can get a student discount. Go to the website and look around if your interested.


XGDC 4.0 - "NeXtGen" 2002 is on!

Xtreme Games LLC is proud to present the 4th annual Xtreme Games Developers Conference (XGDC) --"NeXtGen 2002" to be held at the Santa Clara Convention Center Sep. 21-22, 2002. The conference is open to the public and targeted to all levels of game developer from the newbie to seasoned professional. The XGDC is a technical conference lecture series, no marketing, no business, just hard core game programming, techniques, and tricks to advance the art and share knowledge.

For more information about the XGDC and to purchase tickets please visit the Xtreme Games LLC site at:
http://www.xgames3d.com/xgdcmain.htm or http://www.xgdc.com

CALL FOR SPEAKERS: Anyone interested in giving presentations at XGDC please check out the "Wanna Speak" section on the XGDC website and get those proposals in ASAP.

Additionally, if you have any questions or are interested in being a sponsor of the XGDC or being part of the "Virtual Job Fair" email Xtreme Games at xgdc@xgames3d.com

And if you're interested in vintage coin-op games and computers then be sure to check out the Vintage Computer Festival at www.vintage.org and www.caextreme.org. Xtreme Games is teaming up with these events and this year we're going to have the Vintage Computer Festival and XGDC within walking distance of each other at the Santa Clara Convention Center.


The Xtreme Games Team

Ph: 925.736.2098
Fax: 208.485.9762

Posted by CodeRed [send private reply] at June 30, 2002, 01:00:06 AM

Cool, but if I go to anything like that it will be the GDC

Posted by RedX [send private reply] at June 30, 2002, 06:46:19 AM

I would go if I would find someone to pay for airplane tickets (which tend to be expensive from Europe) and a hotel.


Posted by Kshain [send private reply] at June 30, 2002, 11:51:50 PM

CodeRed, thats not very smart. GDC is is almost 8 times the price (and thats for just the basic tickets).

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