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how do you get along...?

Posted by stilldo [send private reply] at March 19, 2003, 11:04:29 PM

okay... here i am, all by myself, sort of minding my business, and behind me are two dipshits laughing at everything i write... atch me go... even right now....

so, does this happen to you guys? okay, they've buggered off now (teacher came, told them go dodge, and i told her i wasnt in fact on a chatroom, no, not me, how dare they accuse me, and so on...), but it leaves me wondering: how DO you fare in the world of rugby, boxing and xbox?

Posted by ItinitI [send private reply] at March 19, 2003, 11:08:08 PM

I use Mozilla's tabs. I set the first tab something like email page, and then the rest to wahtever BBS, Google, ect im doign at the time, when someone snoops around over my shoulder, i switch to the first tab, and minimize the window. (^_^)

Posted by stilldo [send private reply] at March 19, 2003, 11:10:30 PM

<grumble>stupid internet explorer....</grumble>

Posted by CViper [send private reply] at March 20, 2003, 06:12:04 AM

there's always the reset button + "damn, it crashed..."

Usefull if you're playing some fullscreen game that disables alt-tab & co.

Posted by sinple [send private reply] at March 20, 2003, 08:25:41 AM

HL\CS is on 2 entire labs (like 58 coms) at my school.
mmm... i wonder how that got there...
great for 70 minute periods, turns multi-media into LAN parties.

Posted by regretfuldaydreamer [send private reply] at March 20, 2003, 01:17:23 PM

Sadly they have hyper effective filters in our school (hyper effective at blocking EVERYTHING, including alot of site of educational value).

Posted by CViper [send private reply] at March 20, 2003, 03:31:10 PM

We used to have alot of filters & restrictions on the computers of my old school. Our sysadmin however didn't really know anything about computers, so we did end up playing MUD & stuff anyway.

Sometimes I really wondered if it was our sysadmin being stupid or the fact that our school bought really crappy software.
It kinda disabled access to c:\ and should have made it impossible to run anything but a few predefined applications - altough one had to try hard not to accidentally circumvent those restrictions. Just choosing "Open..." in Word (or similar) viewed all the contents of c:\. And of course you were able to delete/copy/move files through that open dialog aswell...

Posted by ItinitI [send private reply] at March 20, 2003, 04:34:17 PM

Also, IE acts like a GUI shell, so you could potentially type in C:/ rather than http://www.ect and possible gain access to the drive, but it could have been blocked off.

Posted by CodeRed [send private reply] at March 20, 2003, 04:49:29 PM

Lift weights, it's not hard, unless you're fat you'll be ripped in a few months. Then stand up, turn around, and beat the shit out of them.

And what is wrong with XBox, you loser. LOL

Posted by regretfuldaydreamer [send private reply] at March 20, 2003, 04:56:39 PM

We're not allowed access to the C: in the computers in school (mind you, only about 1/4 of them have a hard disk). I guess they forgot that the standard blocks don't stop you creating a shortcut to them, which works fine.

Posted by regretfuldaydreamer [send private reply] at March 20, 2003, 04:58:05 PM

The typing "x:\" into IE is disabled in our school.

Posted by stilldo [send private reply] at March 20, 2003, 10:30:43 PM

umm.. this didn't go the direction i intended, but an equally enthralling one instead

what does c:\ do? furthermore: how do you get a DOS prompt up, so i can type "format c:"?

ps - xbox is evil. microsoft is the root of all evil

*runs before the shower of tomatos can hit*

Posted by DragonWolf [send private reply] at March 21, 2003, 05:37:27 AM

There used to be a fault, where in MS word you could make a hyperlink to C: or to the command prompt or something. And it would override the security..

That was long ago though.

Posted by ItinitI [send private reply] at March 21, 2003, 10:25:42 AM

If you want to format the C drive, make a batch file that does so [and give it an icon like IE, Outlook, ect], this way if someone else clicks on it, it isn't your blame. (^_^)

Posted by RedX [send private reply] at March 21, 2003, 10:45:06 AM

That's exactly the thing to do if you want your very own KGB-style sysadmin.

Posted by regretfuldaydreamer [send private reply] at March 21, 2003, 01:09:05 PM

It would be even funnier to get your sysadmin to click the batch file.

Is it possible to write your own execuatable to gain access to forbidden drives?

Posted by ItinitI [send private reply] at March 21, 2003, 02:28:29 PM

I would think so?? [Haha, if the sysadmin is male, give it a sudductive icon and name, or if the sysadmin is female, give it a name liek "Happy Cute Animal Site.com" and have a cute puppy or kitty cat icon.]

Posted by regretfuldaydreamer [send private reply] at March 21, 2003, 05:30:53 PM

I mean so that you can access them without anyone knowing or without anyone tracing it. Preferably I would like to write this ap in pascal or VB (The only two compilers avaliable on the school system!), oh yeah, theres a QBasic interpreter as well. ;) Any ideas if it's possible?

Posted by unknown_lamer [send private reply] at March 23, 2003, 06:01:12 PM

I remember using Works in the old Win 3.1 lab at school to run programs. You embedded the program as an object in the works document and then double clicked it to run. Take that stupid school!

(Later on in that semester we were able to copy the networked version of windows onto our harddrives and do whatever we wanted [NES games! THE TRUCK ARE MOVING!!!]. And it was much faster to run Navigator from the hard drive instead of over the 10Mb Ethernet shared between thirty machines.)

Posted by regretfuldaydreamer [send private reply] at March 24, 2003, 10:45:53 AM

We have the full Office 2000 in school (pro version I think). What are the following drives used for by convention in WinNT/Win2000 systems?


And my freind claims that there is some binary file that he can open to get everyone's password in school. I presume he's bullshitting, but I just want to knwo if it's possible.

Posted by AnyoneEB [send private reply] at March 24, 2003, 01:47:21 PM

I think NT uses encrypted passwords, (I know 2k/XP does, not sure on NT4) so there's no way to get the password without trying every single one until you get it correct.

The only standard drive on a Windows system is C: for the main hard drive, and A: & B: are reserved for floppy drives. Any other phyical or network drives can be given any drive letter D: through Z: except I think hard drives have to be in order after C: (2nd must be D:, 3rd must be E:, etc.) I'm not sure on that though.

My school uses G: and L: for network drives.

Posted by ItinitI [send private reply] at March 24, 2003, 04:01:22 PM

"And my freind claims that there is some binary file that he can open to get everyone's password in school."

Hehe...that's no lie, if he got the SAM file, then he could simply crack his leasure-- getting the passwds would only be a matter of processor cycles. (^_^)

Posted by stilldo [send private reply] at March 24, 2003, 10:36:57 PM

sweet.... im interested in that program

oh, i have one on this very machine which is an anonymous email clint (called ghostmailer), the only hitch being you need a valid email server which either doesn't require passwrods, or which you are physically connected to (here, it is mail.cgs.act.edu.au)

i dont care if someone takes down the server here... i hate it

stupid webaccess

Posted by ItinitI [send private reply] at March 24, 2003, 10:44:02 PM

Hehe, I'll try to read up and see hwo one actualy gets the SAM. [ie, where it is located, i think you may need a win book disk, but im pretty sure it's not that secure (^_^)]

Posted by AnyoneEB [send private reply] at March 26, 2003, 07:59:49 PM

The file with the passwords for everyone should be on a server, not each computer. You would need physical access to the server or already know the admin password to get the file.

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