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Suggestions, please....?

Posted by lao_software [send private reply] at February 10, 2002, 12:34:49 PM

My little brother (12 1/2) has recently expressed an interest in programming. I started him out with a drag-and-drop editor called GameMaker to learn the theory of programming before learning any actual coding. I then hope to teach him QBasic, using the Rev. Guide to QBasic by Wrox Press for ideas. Any suggestions as to what I should teach him next? He says he eventually wants to learn C++, but I think he should, as I did, learn simple languages and move up slowly.

Posted by RedX [send private reply] at February 10, 2002, 01:28:16 PM

Skip qbasic, it teaches bad programming habbits. Rather go for Pascal. Qbasic lacks any form of structure. Pascal has good structure and is easy enough for a first language.
C++ is a very good language, but is at least 10 times as difficult as Pascal. It's very hard to learn C++ as a first language.


Posted by Psion [send private reply] at February 11, 2002, 01:59:12 PM

The consensus I get these days is that Python supercedes both BASIC and Pascal as the teaching language of choice.

Posted by RedX [send private reply] at February 11, 2002, 03:29:07 PM

Never used Phyton. So I can't say anything about it's usefullnes or difficulty. (Turbo)Pascal was the language we got at school. And as far as I know it is the standard here (Belgium).


Posted by vladimir_l [send private reply] at February 11, 2002, 04:31:57 PM

>>Never used Python. So I can't say anything about it's usefullnes or difficulty. ( Turbo ) Pascal was the language we got at school. And as far as I know it is the standard here ( Belgium ).

I also have never had any experience with Python. I must say that Turbo Pascal , has become outdated. I would suggest QBasic in a different form , it's called Rapid-Q . Its FREE , GUI and very stable and simple. It compiles into byte-code , so there is really a lot of options deleted. I think there is another one called IBasic , it allows you to use DirectX more easily. Anyway , I when I was 12 , started programming in Fortran 77. Not reccomended , but an idea. :).


Posted by RedX [send private reply] at February 11, 2002, 08:54:49 PM

I started with qbasic. Later used Pascal, tried out Visual basic (for 10 minutes or so). Got back to Pascal, Learned Turbo C (free compiler), spend some time with Turbo C++ (found it on a site WHICH SELLS SOFTWARE COMPLETELY LEGALLY [-gian]), got rid of it when I found DJGPP C++ compiler (freeware, open source project under GPL, good userbase, what more do you need?). Then tried out LCC C-compiler for win32 (win32 API with C is a pain in the ass). Tried out Borland C++ (had it on a CD). Now I use Visual C++ (win32) and Bascom AVR (ýcontrollers)


Posted by vladimir_l [send private reply] at February 12, 2002, 05:22:33 AM

Visual Basic gets nnoying after 10 minutes. Its too simple and not powewrful enough.Something bare and simple ( DOS programming ) was best for me. No fansy stuff , just plain F77 and F90. I suppose if I had BASIC it would have done the same. Afterwards I went onto Quick C .

Try Quick C or , as stupid as it may sound , ASIC BASIC.


Posted by RedX [send private reply] at February 12, 2002, 01:59:30 PM

You can't find any sites selling Turbo C++ anymore.
Borland released it as freeware some time ago.


Posted by lao_software [send private reply] at February 14, 2002, 07:08:05 PM

Well, Python may be a good choice.... I do have experience, but I don't like it because as far as I know (correct me if I'm wrong) there aren't any compilers for it; only interpreters. But anyway, I planned on QB, THEN Pascal, and then something called DarkBASIC, which is a BASIC variation that lets you use DirectX. Kind of slow, but good for small projects.

Posted by vladimir_l [send private reply] at February 14, 2002, 09:26:03 PM

If Pascal use Dev-Pascal compiler system , its ace !

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