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Posted by Setherd123 [send private reply] at May 27, 2001, 01:26:42 AM

Anyone have any luck finding MP3's lately? After Napster's defeat, I haven't been able to find shit.

I always buy the CD after I listen to some of the songs, but that's sort of hard to do if you CAN'T FIND THE SONGS!

Anywho, some cool links to p2p applications that actually have a large community would be nice.

Posted by CHollman82 [send private reply] at October 01, 2001, 09:12:33 PM

Posted by taubz [send private reply] at June 12, 2001, 01:06:34 PM

Setherd, it's still copyright infringement. :-)

- taubz

Posted by Setherd123 [send private reply] at June 12, 2001, 04:31:54 PM

I don't think Napster will come back, at least the way it was.

I don't need weezer mp3's, I own the cd's, and the bsides are easily downloadable from any fanpage.

Also, I discovered audiogalaxy, this thread is now useless.

taubz: They get their money in the end.
CHollMan82: My name isn't Sethard.

Posted by CHollman82 [send private reply] at October 01, 2001, 09:12:42 PM

Posted by AngelOD [send private reply] at June 15, 2001, 01:26:27 AM

But why use a program like Napster to download illegal files? Napster logs all transfers, and they're required to reveal their logs to certain authorities. Besides, there's no real use for programs like that.. If there's a song you want to hear, you can easily do so in the radio, on the artist's homepage, or in the record store..

Posted by sphinX [send private reply] at June 15, 2001, 06:15:30 AM

or on gnutella....www.limewire.com :-)

Posted by gian [send private reply] at June 15, 2001, 05:09:39 PM

I'm using Limewire currently, I like it, there's certainly a huge amount of music there.

Posted by sphinX [send private reply] at June 15, 2001, 09:46:51 PM

yes..the gnutella network is absolutely huge!! the highest amount of data i've seen on there is 612 Terrabytes -- which is pretty impressive

Posted by eternaldisciple [send private reply] at June 20, 2001, 08:17:21 PM

gnutella may have a large amount of files, but it doesn't matter. You don't download from one person, it's a chain system which means your stupid file goes through like 300 computers before it gets to you. if it's not supplied by enough comps to make it to you, you're screwed. and the limewire interface takes too much free RAM, find something better.

Posted by infryq [send private reply] at June 21, 2001, 12:55:06 AM

so if gnutella sucks, what do you use, eternaldisciple?

Posted by eternaldisciple [send private reply] at June 21, 2001, 10:20:44 AM

Aimster is a good source for many different file types. Unlike progs like Imesh, AGS, and even some Gnutella clones, they haven't started deleting copyrighted files yet to my knowledge. If all else fails, try some underground sites or find friends with large music collections.

Posted by harrylund [send private reply] at July 27, 2001, 04:12:18 AM

emp3finder.com is OK, most links work.

Posted by eternaldisciple [send private reply] at July 27, 2001, 09:13:09 AM

Even though this post is a month old now, since someone replied, I'll update my stance because I'm genuinely bored. Don't use Aimster if you want to download something this century. Don't use AGS if you don't want spysoftware running on quite a bit of resources. Use Morpheus.

Posted by sphinX [send private reply] at July 27, 2001, 07:48:04 PM

or use Kazaa!!!

Posted by hal [send private reply] at September 01, 2001, 12:39:37 AM

use "direct connect" - http://www.neo-modus.com/
there are usually ~15000 users online, sharing 250tb music/movies/etc

Posted by buzgub [send private reply] at September 01, 2001, 06:27:03 AM

many of those terabytes just repeated over and over again; I *suspect* that there's actually one terabyte mirrored 25 times.

Posted by Linux_Penguin [send private reply] at September 02, 2001, 07:39:08 PM

A program that is just like napster only better is Kazaa. You can get music vids there too. Oh and gnutella and audioglaxy are a waste of time.

Posted by eternaldisciple [send private reply] at September 02, 2001, 08:42:30 PM

Kazaa has spyware, most gnutella does, and audiogalaxy has a pain in the ass spyware called webHancer, that one's a beaut.

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