Teen Programmers Unite  

  C and C++ [Suggest Question]

Question: Where can I get a free C/C++ compiler for Windows? [Suggest Answer]

Psion: Cygwin: http://sources.redhat.com/cygwin/
This port of standard UNIX tools to Win32 includes the GCC C and C++ compiler.

Borland: http://www.borland.com/bcppbuilder/freecompiler/
Borland has released a free limited version of its C++ compiler.

LCC: http://www.cs.virginia.edu/~lcc-win32/
Another alternative created from scratch for Windows

You can also use the following to compile DOS programs:
DJGPP: http://www.delorie.com/djgpp/

buzgub: Mingw: http://www.mingw.org/
A port of gcc to use native windows libraries.

CViper: DevCpp: http://www.bloodshed.net/devcpp.html
Although internally using a mingw/gcc compiler, it features a complete IDE

vikram_1982: http://www.digitalmars.com/

Along with free compilers, this site has a lot of stuff for all us geeks out there.

vladimir_l: MetroWerks : http://www.metrowerks.com , Mac , Unix , Windows , BeOS ...

Getting Started with Programming [Suggest Question]

Question: What is a compiler? [Suggest Answer]

Psion: A compiler is a program that translates your human-readable program code into some other format that is generally easier and more efficient for a computer to process. Most compilers output executable files. In DOS or Windows, these are ".EXE" files.

vikram_1982: A Compiler is a language dependent piece of software that helps convert the program source code into binary 1's and 0's that make much more sense to the computer.

A compiler considers the program to be as "one whole" as opposed to an interpreter that translates program code line-by-line.

Question: I've never programmed before. How do I start? [Suggest Answer]

taubz: Here are some suggestions for which programming language to choose to get started.

You'll more than likely need to download software to run or compile your programs. Links to the relevant websites are provided below. For the answer to What is a compiler?, find the question in this FAQ.

Chances are, you already have QBasic on your computer. If you have Microsoft Windows, go to an MS DOS prompt, type qbasic and get started with your first BASIC program. BASIC is probably THE easiest language to learn. Although it is not at all powerful, it is a fairly good stepping stone to VisualBasic or C. It's also the easiest to set up, since you probably already have it. Some say this is not the best way to start programming, but it is a way.

Python is a simple and powerful language that should be easy enough for beginners to grasp yet powerful enough to handle complex programming. Check out the Python web site for more information: http://www.python.org

Pascal is just a little bit more difficult than QBasic, but you are likely to learn more from it. It is a much better stepping stone to other structured languages, such as C. Delphi is similar to Pascal, but for Windows.

Based on the BASIC language, VB is a very powerful environment that allows you to create MS Windows applications very quickly. Though it lacks the processing power of most other languages, it is still quite useful. As with all Microsoft products, it comes with a cost. VB is a good stepping stone to other Visual or object oriented languages, such as Delphi or C++. http://msdn.microsoft.com/vbasic

Other Languages
You might also take a look at Scheme (http://www.scheme.org), Euphoria (http://www.RapidEuphoria.com), SmallTalk, or JavaScript.

For the brave...
If you have some experience in programming and are ready to take on a challenge, there is always C/C++. For more information, take a look at the QuickStart on C, linked from the main page of TPU.

TPU Web Site [Suggest Question]

Question: How does this FAQ system work? [Suggest Answer]

Psion: The questions and answers are arranged by topic. Anyone who is logged in can submit a new question or a new answer to an old question. Answers can use all of the same formatting codes as forum messages. Administrators review and, if necessary, edit submissions before making them publicly viewable. If you think you have a question that belongs in a new topic, please post your new topic ideas in the Suggestions forum elsewhere on this site.

Question: How do I post code in messages/FAQs? [Suggest Answer]

taubz: Enclose code between a [ % and a % ] (without the spaces around them).

 Code looks like this. 

Question: What do I do now that I've registered? [Suggest Answer]

Psion: See this page: http://www.tpu.org/tea/About

gian: Or this page:

whizkide: Definitely this page:

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